Variable Media Questionnaire
A Forging the Future project.
Unavoidable disaster
A disturbing interactive clutter of user-contributed web art in Unavoidabledisaster
UBERMORGEN’s research-based practice is driven by a desire to satisfy their own curiosity, without the constraints of having a defined political agenda or preconceived beliefs.
The Wrong TV
the wrong tv
live streaming tv platform for digital art, music & culture
Tank TV
Founded by Tank Magazine in 2003 is an online gallery and inspirational showcase of artist's film and video.
Runme is a software art repository, launched in January 2003.
netzspannung is a platform for interactive art and media art education.
netartnet is an online-gallery listing and directory.
Documentation of selected internet-based artworks by recording users in front of their screens as they interact with the work.
N<MONA - The New Museum of Networked Art
The New Museum of Networked Art , also named “Le Musee di-visioniste is the manifestation or visualization of an Utopia, the Utopia of Agricola de Cologne
IAAA Institute of Artificial Art Amsterdam
The Institute of Artificial Art is an independent organisation consisting of machines, computers, algorithms and human persons, who work together toward the complete automatization of art productio
In 1996 artists Ruth Catlow and Marc Garrett initiated an online community for collaborat
Electronic Literature Organization (ELO)
Electronic Literature Organization, the international organization dedicated to the investigation of literature produced for the digital medium
Domain Gallery
Domain Gallery is an online gallery focused on Digitaland Internet Based Works curated by Manuel
Digital Latin American Cultures Network
The Digital Latin American Cultures Network researches the cultural dimensions of new media in Latin America, and includes analysis of digital cultur
Cyberfeminism Index
Cyberfeminism Index is an in-progress online collection of resources for techno-critical works from 1990–2020, gathered and facilitated by Mindy Seu.
BrowserBased is partly a material / technically oriented platform dealing with the browser based context as well as a net-culture knowledge base.
Born - fifteen year of art and literature
From 1996 until its retirement in 2011, Born connected over 900 contributors, generating an extraordinary record of collaboration between literary arts and multimedia.
Archive of Digital Art (ADA)
As a pioneer in the field of Media Arts research, the ARCHIVE OF DIGITAL ART (ADA, former Database of Virtual Art) docume
AND - Artists Network Database
Once completed, AND – Artists Network Database represents the database including the biographies of artists and curators