88 Constellations for Wittgenstein: (to be played by the left hand) David Clark: “88 Constellations for Wittgenstein (to be played with the Left Hand) is an interactive, non-linear net.art piece that explores the life and philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein through a David Clark Animation net-art Flash
Bakteria www.bakteria.org is on>line si/nce 1997, em_i>gra/ting to his new Do/main Zin.ce 99, Rece.iv.ing ThoU>ZandZ of Mon-thly ViZ.itZ. Animation Live drawing Sound
Medialounge Medialounge.org (aka sign69) cybermind designs. channeling recreational synthesis in unified fields of consciousness. Animation
Modern Living Series of flash animations by Han Hoogerbrugge. Launch Modern Living Neurotica series Han Hoogerbrugge Flash Animation
Pong - not just a game Hilarious animation about a funny fight between two pixel men, who come out of the paddles of a pong game and start quarreling over a foul. Animation Game Flash Pong
Qrime "Qrime is a set of short animations created in part to be shown on the web and some others now modified to be seen as short animati Animation
Superbad The net.art output of a San Francisco based graphic designer using DHTML. Animation Browser art
The Secret & The Wolf In the Secret & The Wolf we enter a world of a dandily dressed wolf and his secret diary. Animation
What to do good? Know to shoot a semiautomatic handgun? A flash animimation by Y0UNG-HAE CHANG HEAVY INDUSTRIES. Young-Hae Chang Flash Animation