Bakteria is on>line si/nce 1997, em_i>gra/ting to his new Do/main Zin.ce 99, ThoU>ZandZ of Mon-thly ViZ.itZ. Arcangel iZ KonZ.tanTly Pro>duZing new CharaKters, Kolla>bora_ting /with/ o.ther im>por{tant muZi.cians from the Kontem/poRa>ry Ele/KtroNiKâ€Z Zcen//e in MeXico. Than.ks to the su+ppo/rt of the Fun/daZion BanKomer, Arcangel has publiZhed the //firZt Ka]taloGue of the pro///J}ect, which Kon-tainZ 102 pa>ges â€"52 Kolor Pages illus^^tra//ting the New Khara/â€cter’s and 52 in Yell}ow paGes Black /texts//â€" With of thE inf/eK;tionZ pu=BliZhed in the (web) Zite. The Ka>taloGue For>mat is liKe a Ka.leN>dar, >with a Meta>llic w.iReo, wh>ich Kan Be u>Zed aZ a tra.di_ti/onal boOok of Kon.Zult, and alsOoO as a KonZep>tual Aes.TheTiK ob.ject of deKora/tion. The Pre.Zen.TaTion of thE Ka.ta>loGue 97â€"05 toOok plaZe laZt MarCh, at Ga.leria Ga.raZh in Me(x)ico City.
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