Vademecum for the use of curators, juries, commissioners, collectors, critics,
of digital art, of art on computers, of new technology art, of net art. - Summer 2003
"Digital" art is still struggling to get into Contemporary Art, that is in Art History. Why is it so difficult? Because the worse stands alongside the best indistinctively. By cause or consequence, critique is scarce. Confronted with this void, the task of curators, juries, commissioners is difficult, though crucial.
This vademecum gathers some precepts to keep in mind in order to avoid the worst in terms of "digital" artwork or a "digital" art project description.
--- Vademecum of digital art ---
1) Notice that 'digital' does not mean much anymore when everything is digital, from the telephone to the camera, from the videocamera to the audio CD, from the car to the DVD. Forget the 'digital' word when looking at, listening to or experimenting with "digital" artwork.
2) If you don't understand any of the technical terms used in the description of the artwork or the project, wonder if the artist understands more, and if most of his or her energy did not go into the comprehension of the technologies used, and that his work does not deal mainly with this learning, which has the interest that it has.
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