The "" website is an online-only exhibition of the early (and continuous) history of Internet art. This site provides links to original content to net-art projects and related websites made since the rise of Internet art in de '90 into the mainstream art world. Would you like your work to be featured here? Submit your work here

Fuzzy Dreamz

A project from fear to fun, drama, love, desire and a sense of wonder. The moving images, soundtrack and voices are forming a 'psycho-geography of dreams'. Work in progress since 1996.


And that everything one day, an hour, one letter, or one word will be over and just cannot ever be over. A net-art piece by Group Z(Belgium).


NIESATT observes the obsessions and addictions to the digitalized world of people nowadays, having lost their connection to nature and becoming victims of them selfs for ignoring environmental and

Top 84 Ways of Going Greener at Home

In many of his works, Krassimir Terziev uses the language and technology of cinema and television to investigate and comment on how their shared visual culture shapes or affects our social and poli


Jodi's SOD is a modification of the game Wolfenstein. You can actually attempt to play the game, but everything is scrampled.


Gridcosm is a collaborative art project in which artists from around the world contribute images to a compounding series of graphical squares.


Jacob Maker is a beekeeper who designs flight simulators. One day, the past arrives out of the future, and Jacob enters WAXWEB.


"An experimental website, using randomly generated ASCII art and Javascript.


The GRAMMATRON project is a "public domain narrative environment" developed by virtual artist Mark Amerika.

Loaded 5x

we are always waiting for the big
event that will change our lives forever --
not to make our lives a paradise,
but to give us direction, to find out what

The Folksomy project

JODI's ongoing performance project, The Folksomy Project, takes YouTube as source material, with the artists utilizing custom software to select and manipulate user-generated videos from the popula

Digital Landfill

Clean up the Web! Dispose of your unwanted e-mail, obsolete data, HTML, SPAM or any other digital debris just by clicking the Add to Landfill button. All refuse is automatically layered into the Digital Landfill composting system.