The World of Awe - a travelers tale

Salvaged off a laptop, World of Awe 1.0 contains the journal of a traveler in search of a lost treasure. Navigate through personal love letters, log entries and detailed descriptions of the unusual navigation tools. The interface appears like a damaged desktop but it;s not. It's just odd. Patience helps.
Through a portal on 419 East 6th street in Manhattan, a traveler crosses into the parallel world called Sunset/Sunrise, to search for a lost treasure.
Sunset/Sunrise is a desert. A world but perhaps not a planet. Possibly round or flat or both, or neither. Time is suspended at dawn or dusk. Death remains undefined. At times, long shadows travel around as a sun glides along the horizon, but never sets. Time suspended. Gravity is optional. Water is optional. An algorithm represses thirst.
In Silicon Canyon, a dumpyard for all the hardware and software ever created, computers and accessories pile up. The traveler steps into a minefield, explodes and reconstructs oneself. No mail system. No wireless. Love letters are written and left behind.
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